Safe Shelter for Companion Animals of Survivors of Domestic Violence in Summit & Medina Counties

The Battered Women’s Shelter (BWS) of Summit and Medina counties have achieved something incredible: housing for survivors of domestic violence that allows their companion animals! Recently awarded the Office for Victims of Crime Emergency and Transitional Pet Shelter Shelter and Housing Grant, BWS is looking to add the Hope and Healing Pet Shelter to help house family companion animals in close proximity to their 40,000 square foot building with the ability to board 154 survivors of domestic violence. 

This grant will also help provide pet supplies, food, and be used to help expand partnerships with off-site animal organizations to seek boarding and medical help when needed. 

 “The importance of the human-animal bond, especially during times of stress and trauma, is well documented. Providing the resources for victims of DV and their children to maintain closeness with their companion animal when fleeing an unsafe home is necessary to reduce barriers that victims frequently face in seeking safe shelter as well as to assist in the healing from the traumatic victimization” -Office for VIctims of Crime 

In the past two years, there have been over 2,400 individuals seeking some form of assistance as a result of domestic violence. By addressing the human-animal bond, BWS is making that assistance easier to seek out. 

Source: Office of Victims of Crime


Webinar 1/23/25 on how to Apply for Grants for Sheltering Pets in Crisis


Introduction to “Pet Planning” for Animal Owners